ABS was a pioneer in the industry when it comes to television payroll, helping lead the way with reality TV on early breakouts like “The Real World” and “Making the Band”. Original television content has never been stronger than it is now, and we’re excited for the opportunities that presents to indie producers. From TV pilots and demo reels to full episodic seasons, ABS is your one-stop shop for television payroll for talent both behind and in front of the camera.

Cast and crew payroll services include:

  • ATL & BTL paycheck processing
  • Hour calculations based on Timecards/Exhibit G’s
  • Federal and State employee tax withholdings
  • Employer payroll tax contributions and reporting—including year-end W2/1099 forms
  • Compliance with wage and hour laws in all States
  • Union pension, health and welfare contributions, reporting, and administration for all major unions including SAG-AFTRA, DGA, WGA, IATSE, and Teamsters
  • Unemployment insurance claim administration
  • Workers compensation insurance coverage & claim management
  • 401(k) and other retirement/ insurance plan contributions or earning deductions