Current SAG-AFTRA Scale Pay
The SAG minimum pay rate is determined by which Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is applicable for your production. The main factors determining the applicable CBA are the place of primary exhibition and the budget size, although it’s always best to speak with a SAG representative if you’re uncertain about your specific project. The most common SAG-AFTRA agreements include:
- SAG-AFTRA Theatrical (separated into Basic Theatrical, Low Budget, Moderate Low Budget Project, Ultra Low Budget Project, Short Project, Student Short Film)
- SAG-AFTRA Television
- SAG-AFTRA New Media
- SAG-AFTRA Commercial
- SAG-AFTRA Corporate/Educational/Non-Broadcast Recording
- SAG-AFTRA Interactive/Video Game
The SAG scale for performers depends on which of these agreements apply, but can also vary depending on agreement sub-type, production category, and other factors. The following is not a comprehensive list of all possible SAG rates, but will help you budget for the current SAG minimums:
1. SAG Film Rates (new rates below with a range will be finalized July 1st, 2022)
SAG Basic Theatrical Scale: $1,082.00 – $1,088.00 / Day | $3,756.00 / Week – $3,774.00
SAG Low Budget Scale: 65% of Basic rates. Currently $703.00 – $707.00 / Day | $2,441.00 – $2,453.00 / Week
SAG MPA Scale: 35.00% of Basic rates. Currently $378.00 – $380.00 / Day | $1,314.00 – $1,320.00 / Week
SAG UPA & Short Film Scale: 20% of Basic rates. Currently $216.00 – $217.00 / Day
Stunt Coordinator Scale: $1,082.00 – $1,088.00 / Day | $4,034.00 – $4,054.00 / Week (all theatrical CBAs)
2. SAG Television Rates (episodic)
SAG TV Scale: Major Role ½ Hour Program $5,665.00 / Week
SAG TV Scale: Major Role 1 Hour Program $9,064.00 / Week
SAG TV Scale Multiple Program: ½ OR 1 Hour Shows $2,650.00 / Week
SAG TV Scale Multiple Program: 1 ½ Hour Shows $3,114.00 / Week
SAG TV Scale Multiple Program: 2 Hour Shows $3,670.00 / Week
3. SAG New Media Rates
*The Special New Media agreement (w/ budgets above $50K) is now split into Categories A – D. Categories A-C are only applicable for episodic content released on New Media platforms; non-episodic projects would instead be covered by the SPA, UPA, or MPA agreement, depending on budget size. Category D New Media applies for both episodic and non-episodic content released on New Media platforms.
New Media Under $50k: Rates are negotiable between Production and Performers.
SAG new media Category A: 20% of Basic agreement rates
SAG new media Category B: 35% of Basic agreement rates
SAG new media Category C: 65% of Basic agreement rates
SAG new media Category D: Basic agreement rates
4. SAG Commercial Rates
SAG Commercial Scale (Session fee / 1st Use) for Class A/ Cable/Wild Spot:
- $712.00 On-Camera | $535.40 Off-Camera
SAG Commercial Scale (Cable Use minimum): $712.00 On-Camera | $535.40 Off-Camera
- Units 1-50 each: $12.68 On-Camera | $7.34 Off-Camera
- Units 51-100 each: $11.01 On-Camera | $8.41 Off-Camera
- Units 101-150 each: $9.35 On-Camera | $6.22 Off-Camera
- Units 151-200 each: $7.69 On-Camera | $5.12 Off-Camera
- Units 201-1,000 each: $0.90 On-Camera | $0.60 Off-Camera
- Units 1,001-2,500 each: $0.86 On-Camera | $0.58 Off-Camera
- Units 2,501-3,000 each: $0.19 On-Camera | $0.13 Off-Camera
SAG Commercial Scale (Social Media Use minimum):
- 30-day cycle $106.80 On-Camera | $80.31 Off-Camera
- Youtube Use $106.80 On-Camera | $80.31 Off-Camera
5. SAG Corporate/Educational & Non-Broadcast Rates
SAG Corporate Scale (Cat. I): $535.00 On-Camera | $438.00 Off-Camera 1st Hour
SAG Corporate Scale (Cat. II): $666.00 On-Camera | $488.00 Off-Camera 1st Hour
SAG Corporate Scale On-Camera Narrator (Cat. I): $973.00 | $535.00 / Each Add’l Day
SAG Corporate Scale On-Camera Narrator (Cat. II): $1,154.00 | $666.00 / Each Add’l Day
SAG Corporate Scale On-Camera 3-day Performer: $1,347.00 Cat. I | $1,661.00 Cat. II
SAG Corporate Scale On-Camera Weekly Performer: $1,881.00 Cat. I | $2,329.00 Cat. II
6. SAG Interactive/Video Game Rates
SAG Interactive Scale Off-Camera: Up to 3 voices / 4 Hours $902.00
SAG Interactive Scale Off-Camera: Up to 6-10 voices / 6 Hours $1,804.25
SAG Interactive Scale On-Camera: $902.00 / Day
SAG Interactive Scale On-Camera 3-Day Performer: $2,282.00
SAG Interactive Scale On-Camera Weekly Performer: $3,130.50 / Week
*Note: updated 3/20/22, check back for updates July 1st 2022.